Look at Ya! It's Yourself!



Below prices are applicable to Screech In's that are being planned  outside Newfoundland Labrador.

All other Screech In's available through this website to include; Weddings Screech In's, Event Screech In's, Company Screech Ins, and Screech In Tours, all materials will be included in the per participant fee.   A host will be provided.

Kit contains:
Screecher Host / Hostess Materials
( must be Newfoundlander by birth )
1 Souwester ( fishermans hat )
1 Codfish ( stuffed - or 3D model )
1 Sacred Screecher Scroll
Per Screecher participant:
Certificate, Screech In Shot, and Shot glasses.
Screech in certificate



This website also offers merchandise for individuals that already went through the Screech In cermony.  However the best way to buy /  purchase these  is through The Newfoundland Screecher campanion website  www.honorarynewfoundlander.ca

Thank you for considering our product. Price is $80.00 Tax per person / inductee plus Host charge of $120.00.

Delivery will be by Canada Post (Tracking). Expect your package 17 days from time of order confirmation.

Some of our Honorary Newfoundlanders may want to wear their new designation with pride so we have a few optional items that have become very popular that you might want to go with your certificate.

Other Products Available

These products are also available on https://honorarynewfoundlander.ca

Screeched In T-shirt
| White | Black | Navy |
| S | M | L | XL |
Screeched In Cap
| White | Black | Navy |
| S | M | L | XL |
Screeched In Mug